Friday, June 17, 2011

Dublin, June 17

It is now 7:36am June 18, and I woke up at 6am...which is funny because I always initially wake up at 6am. I've also decided to basically update this whenever I sit down to write in my personal travel journal (as long as I get a conferter that actually allows me to plug this in to charge, if not then you're all out of luck). So expect posts to have at most three days between them. I'll probably post twice today, one for the 17 and one for the 18.
So we arrived in Dublin, completely exhausted and took a bus to University College Dublin. On the way there I remember being thrown off by the placement of the driver in cars as well as the side of the road we were on. Also that Dublin city basically ended up being an interesting and cute blur.
Walked through the lovely campus to get to the dorm we are staying at, where we all showered and relaxed for a bit. I also partook in an exploratory walk, despite the rain.
(A path through the campus we're staying at.)
Then we all trekked up a long and winding hill to get to The Goat, a sporting pubs, for dinner where we all celebrated our arrival. I wasn't much a fan...but it didn't go to waste. Dinner was fabulous though.
After sitting through dinner and engaging in conversation while partially zoned out, a group of us headed back to our rooms. Along the way we say the Irish Bay, from the crest of the hill.
Then it was time for another shower, and about 11 hours of sleep.


  1. That is a very pretty path. Did you drink the Guinness?

  2. I did try, I just couldn't deal with the taste. No worries though, someone asked if they could have mine when I left so it didn't go to waste.
